Moderate supports Duffy/not Mielke
From: []
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 8:27 AM
Subject: offensive telephone message this past weekend
Dear Ron Mielke,
I was VERY offended by the one of your campaign messages left on my telephone this past weekend. In it, you accuse Sean Duffy of being on an IMMORAL television show, and cooperating in a "pro-Gay" movie shown on a PORNO channel.. while you are off trying to save the lives of the unborn.
You know, you need to get in better touch with reality! Not all Repubicans are against gay people. I just don't like the fact that they get benefits - shows the single person YET again gets screwed over by gov't. Also, I used to enjoy MTV's The Real World. MOST people know that it is ENTERTAINMENT (!!!!!!), not real life. What a really shows how out of touch you are with the new and upcoming Republicans.
In addition, not all abortions are wrong. Yet again, this shows how out of touch you are.
I am all for Sean Duffy! I cannot stand people who badmouth others. Take me name and telephone number OFF your calling list! This Republican is NOT supporting you!
Cheryl Schroeder
Dear Cheryl,
My problem is that Duffy is trying to garner the support of both sides of this issue. Yet he promotes himself also as a MTV Real World Celebrity thus showing himself as a moderate that embraces alternative lifestyles and a promiscuous sexual lifestyle.
He claims to be pro-life and anti-gay yet people like you see him as a moderate. I consider Sean a flip flopper stroking both sides for votes.
Below is an article from the Gay community that faults Duffy for his willingness to re-package himself in order to get elected.
Sean Duffy, who hopes to unseat U.S. Rep. David Obey in Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District, says he believes “in the definition of marriage as a union between one man and one woman.”
But in 2003, before he decided to run for Congress, Duffy attended the wedding ceremony of two gay friends. According to a video of the nuptials, he was quite upbeat and congratulatory about it.
It’s particularly ugly when a person like Duffy, a former star of MTV’s “The Real World,” comes out against same-sex marriage for political expediency. If he’s willing to betray friends who shared one of the most momentous events of their lives with him, how can voters trust him?
The last thing Washington needs is another duplicitous lawmaker who’s only too willing to re-package himself in order to get elected. No wonder Sarah Palin endorsed him.